Friday, June 28, 2013

Heart Healthy Summer Activities

 Summer is here and you want to go out. However, you do not want to overdue it and damage your heart. So, we wanted to find some safe ways that you can exercise and get out without causing health issues. Here are some ways that you can get out and exercise this  summer:

  • If you have a dog, walking is a great exercise –do it daily and count it in. It’s good for you and your pet.
  • Housework is nobody’s favorite activity but believe it or not, count this as exercise especially if you vacuum briskly or mop the floors on a regular basis
  • If you have a family, schedule walks after dinner or before lunch and get some quality time in, too.
  • Take a few minutes of your break-time to take a walk around the block or around the campus. Or if you go out to lunch, consider walking to a park or a sandwich shop a block or two further away rather than the cafeteria or the closest lunch stop.
  • Believe it or not, yard work is a great way to get some exercise in. Mowing the lawn, raking leaves, clipping bushes and pulling weeds is a great way to move those muscles and get some great exercise in.
  • Elevators and escalators at the office, school and even the mall makes life convenient – but if you take just one flight of stairs instead of using this convenience, it’s definitely considered exercise – try it. Start with just one flight and soon you’ll be ready for more.
  • If you ride the bus or subway, get off at one stop before or after your destination and walk the rest of the way – an easy way to fit a short jaunt into the schedule.
  • Parking – we all want the front row but consider parking your car at the far end of the parking lot. A short walk here and there adds up, plus it can reduce the stress we sometimes feel when fighting for the front row spots
Now, you can get out and enjoy what summer offers us. We would like to thank for their useful insight concerning this topic. If you would like to contact us with any questions or feedback, you can reach us by email.

Thank you for visiting !
Joseph A. Jones & The WellLife Team